Rika Visio
The Rika Visio used to be manufactured by Austroflamm. They are legendary for their looks and durability.
They have, in my opinion, one of the best set of technical controls and functionality for a pellet stove. You can program heat settings based on specific days of the week and time (colder during work hours) warmer on weekends. They also have the ability of temperature management via text message. Talk about cutting edge! They also are extremely quiet operators.
The downside with these is that they are extremely expensive. They can also be very hard to find. They are made in Austria but you can’t simply go and purchase them there and ship them over. They require some additional modifications such as blowers to be fully EPA compliant. The Visio is cheaper than the Integra, usually by at least $500, so you could consider the bargain end of the Rika line. Still expect to pay in the low to mid $4000s for these.
Another slight negative is that it doesn’t have a true ash pan. Cleanup in that area can tend to be a little bit of an ordeal, but its manageable.