Avalon Astoria
The Avalon Astoria is a big pellet burner that pumps out a lot of heat.
****45000 BTU
****Heats up to 2250 sq. ft
****Thermostat included.
It has a huge hopper, up to 115 lbs with a reported 67 hour burn time. This is one of the highest capacities that I have seen.
It also has a multi-fuel capacity, and can burn a corn and wood mix. However, this ability was only added in the last few years. If you have a unit before about 2006 or so, check with Avalon to see if its supported.
Cleanup is relatively easy with the large ashpan. Some customers report only having to empty once a year. It does seem to be more forgiving if a little ash or carbon buildup is missed. However, you should still adhere to the Avalon recommended maintenance schedules. The auger and hopper can get clogged with sawdust over time, so make that a part of the monthly maintenance to prevent auger issues.
The Avalons are also reasonable priced at around $2500 for the stove, with discounts. Figure about $3000 for stove and installation.The retail is in the mid-$3000 range.