Appalachian Stove
Appalachian Stove has a 30 year history in the wood and gas stove heating business. It has a wide variety of models, styles and functionalty to meet nearly any home heating needs. Located at the foot of the mountain range that it is named for, this Asheville, NC maker has some impressive benefits. Its a smaller brand but customers rave about its customer service.
The current lineup for Appalachian has 7 models for wood burning needs. Here is a quick rundown on the various models:
- Gemini XLB – A user friendly stove with zero clearance. Has a blower mounted up front, an easy access ashpan, and its rated up to 15 hours burn time
- Gemini XL – Has gotten great reviews. Customers report that it heats up to 1400 Sq. ft no problem.
- 30 CD – Free-stander. Rated to handle up to 18" logs and heats up to 2000 sq.ft. =
- 32 XLBW – Another free-stander, albeit smaller than the 36. Rated up to 2500 sq. ft and handles 20" logs.; It does have the innovative door with glass air wash..
- 36 BW – A free stander, bigger model. Can handle up to 22" logs. and its rated up to 2600 sq. ft
- 52 Bay – A bigger unit that is ideal for masonry. Rated to handle 24" logs and heats up to 2700 sq. ft.
- 4 NI XL – A little larger than the 30. Holds 18" logs but can heat up to 2200 sq. ft. heating capacity. Has the easy mount front blower. A best seller, customers love the heat output for the size and the appearance. The glass door does have issues staying clean however